
[1]: https://bing.com/search?q=mour+senegal „“
[2]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/M%27Bour „“
[3]: https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mbour „“
[4]: https://www.senegal-online.com/tourisme_au_senegal/villes-et-villages-du-senegal/mbour/ „“
[5]: https://mapcarta.com/fr/Mbour „“

**M’Bour, Sénégal**

M’Bour, also known as Mbour, is a city in the Thiès Region of Senegal¹[2]. It is located on the Petite Côte, approximately 80 kilometres (50 miles) south of Dakar¹[2]. The city is home to a population of nearly937 ,000, according to the 2023 census¹[2].

M’Bour’s major industries are tourism, fishing, and peanut processing¹[2]. It is a popular tourist destination, situated on the „Little Coast“ and connected to Dakar via the N1 road¹[2]. The city is also known for the orphanage and nursery for children run by the international NGO Vivre Ensemble, and for the African Institute for Mathematical Sciences¹[2].

The city’s climate is characterized by hot weather year-round, with a long dry season from November to May¹[2]. The vast majority of precipitation falls between July to September¹[2].

Source : conversation avec Bing, 01/05/2024
(1) M’Bour – Wikipedia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/M%27Bour.
(2) . https://bing.com/search?q=mour+senegal.
(3) Mbour — Wikipédia. https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mbour.
(4) Mbour – Sénégal Online. https://www.senegal-online.com/tourisme_au_senegal/villes-et-villages-du-senegal/mbour/.
(5) Mbour – Carte – Thiès, Sénégal – Mapcarta. https://mapcarta.com/fr/Mbour.
(6) Getty Images. https://www.gettyimages.com/detail/photo/goat-in-mbour-royalty-free-image/484428844.%5B1%5D: https://bing.com/search?q=mour+senegal „“
[2]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/M%27Bour „“
[3]: https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mbour „“
[4]: https://www.senegal-online.com/tourisme_au_senegal/villes-et-villages-du-senegal/mbour/ „“
[5]: https://mapcarta.com/fr/Mbour „“

**M’Bour, Sénégal**

M’Bour, also known as Mbour, is a city in the Thiès Region of Senegal¹[2]. It is located on the Petite Côte, approximately 80 kilometres (50 mi) south of Dakar¹[2]. The city is home to a population of nearly 233,000, according to the 2013 census¹[2].

M’Bour’s major industries are tourism, fishing, and peanut processing¹[2]. It is a popular tourist destination, situated on the „Little Coast“ and connected to Dakar via the N1 road¹[2]. The city is also known for the orphanage and nursery for children run by the international NGO Vivre Ensemble, and for the African Institute for Mathematical Sciences¹[2].

The city’s climate is characterized by hot weather year-round, with a long dry season from November to May¹[2]. The vast majority of precipitation falls between July to September¹[2].

Source : conversation avec Bing, 01/05/2024
(1) M’Bour – Wikipedia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/M%27Bour.
(2) . https://bing.com/search?q=mour+senegal.
(3) Mbour — Wikipédia. https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mbour.
(4) Mbour – Sénégal Online. https://www.senegal-online.com/tourisme_au_senegal/villes-et-villages-du-senegal/mbour/.
(5) Mbour – Carte – Thiès, Sénégal – Mapcarta. https://mapcarta.com/fr/Mbour.
(6) Getty Images. https://www.gettyimages.com/detail/photo/goat-in-mbour-royalty-free-image/484428844.

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